Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tom Sawyer's Island

Tom Sawyer's Island opens at 10am on most days - if you've never been, it's a great place to explore or take a leisurely stroll without the crowds.  Tom's Island offers mills to enter, caves to explore, forts and even a barrel bridge to navigate.  While providing lots of adventure, the island can also provide something unexpected - FAST PASSES - that's right, if you are among the first to make your way over to the island you might find one of the handful of paintbrushes hidden throughout the landscape.  Find one and bring it to the cast member at the boats and they will give you a free family fast pass for a ride (usually it is a choice of Splash or Thunder).

Now, when you are searching for these brushes, there are some simple rules you can count on - the brushes are always somewhere "on the path", meaning you will not need to go crawling though the undergrowth or stepping outside the boundaries to find them. They are not often hidden in plain site, but they could be - look in buckets and behind trash cans.  They are usually gone pretty quick - I'd say almost always by 11:00 or so at the latest.  Look everywhere - they have been known to hide in all areas of the island - from the Fort to the caves and even in the waiting area for the boat home.

Happy hunting - makes a great family competition..


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